Monday, May 9, 2011

3 days to go!!!!!!

I am finally back from my holiday!, I have to say I had the BEST time and I really think it was the best holiday I have ever had. I went to Thailand 4 years ago on the way back from Australia and New Zealand and I really did enjoy it then but this time it was SO much better!.
It really couldn’t have come at a better time, it took my mind off my operation so much I barely thought about it. I think I woke up once in the night from a nightmare about it but that was the only time.
Now I am back I have so much work to do and so much catching up with people and washing to do that I hope it will keep me preoccupied.
I do want to stress to you all that I AM SCARED. I am remaining up beat and busy but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I am scared, in fact I would go so far as to say I am petrified. But I think it is only normal. I am not worried about anyone messing up or anything like that I just know that this is going to be so painful and obviously no one likes pain. L.
I am getting so much support from my family, my boyfriend, my best friends, my work friends and my boyfriends parents have just been the absolute best J Not only did they put me and Tim up in the most amazing 5* hotel in Bangkok they also sent me a large voucher for Amazon so I can buy loads of books J
Thanks again for all the emails you have been sending me and I WILL reply before I go in for my operation.
Here is a nice relaxing picture of me happy in Thailand.

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