Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Back brace hell

Hey ya, Straight Back Chrissy here! I really mean it, my back is awesome. Mr Tucker and his team are amazing, I can't wait to tell him how pleased i am with the results when I see him in 2 and a bit weeks.
Life is pretty boring, laying about and walking occasionally, I really want to sit in a chair but wearing this back brace is a nightmare, it's sooooooo uncomfortable, I really am sure it is hindering my recovery rather than helping it. I know the drs and nurses know best but it's a nightmare.
My pain must be getting better as twice I have missed my doses of painkillers and not even noticed, I just miss them out completely and carry in taking it at the next scheduled time. I did wake up in a bit of pain last night though and took a Tramadol.
Also I think because I lay about all night and I am not using any energy in the evening I feel so anxious and i cannot keep my feet still, I sounds annoying but it's CRAZY, I makes me wanna bite myself out of frustration or pull my hair our or something. Anyway online today I was looking up something else and I actually found something called 'Restless Feet Syndrome' hownweird is that! I hope I don't end up with that as that surely will send me to the loony bin.
Still waiting on my key board so I will sign off now, but i am still alive and still very much happy, incredibly frustrated but totally optimistic.
5th day of Alan sitting on my bed.....poor little puppy is woRried about his mum :)

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