Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Operation is TOMORROW!

So the big day is tomorrow, and im so nervous I don’t even feel like writing in my blog!, which is weird coz usually I love rambling on to myself and posting it online.
The best thing is that I am so busy at work and seeing people and sorting stuff out that I don’t really have too much time to wallow.
Funny how at times like this you really do find out who the people are that care about you, and luckily for me its sooo many people! J. I am sure all this support is going to make my recovery so much easier. From what I have read this next week will be the worst and then its mainly about keeping a positive attitude which anyone who knows me will know that’s NOT easy for me!! Hahahaha.

Anyway I guess I should sign off from this blog for now and when I next write in here I will be all straight backed. My boyfriend Tim have said he will update my blog with my progress.
Wish me luck!!!!
Strong As An Ox Chrissy xxx

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck strong Ox lady! You are going to sail through. Look forward to seeing you when you're out,
