Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scoliosisbirdy goes under the knife

Hi Tim (Chrissy’s boyfriend) here. I am helping the little scoliosis bird update her blog while she is unable to... Hopefully I don’t bore you are to death!

So this morning we got up at 4.30am to travel to Wellington Hospital for 7am. We arrived and got put into a lovely little room which I hope Chrissy will be comfortable in. From then on it was go go go we had a visit from the nurse to take more bloods, from the anaesthetist to explain how he was going to knock her out, a doctor responsible for monitoring the spinal cord during the op who attached as sorts of wires and ended up making her look a little like C-3PO from Starwars . Mr Tucker then paid us a visit to ask is we had any final questions before the op. Chrissy was getting a little anxious by this stage understandably, so she popped a couple of chill pills which seemed to relax her... In fact she said that I had developed 4 eyes and 2 mouths after taking them!  Where was mine I wanted to ask. Couple of photos:

Chrissy's Back Before:

Bleeding the bird:

Wiring the bird up:

I have to say Chrissy was amazing and so brave I can’t even imagine going through anything like this. I am so proud of how she has handled the lead up to this op.

I went down with the doctors to theatre to hold her hand while she went under at about 10.30am its now just passed 1.30pm so she is 3hrs into her op of what should be a 3 to 4 hour operation. I can’t explain how nervous and anxious I am feeling sitting in the hospital restaurant with her mum waiting for her. I can’t wait to see her little face again, give her a hug and kiss and know that everything has gone ok.

Will keep you updated.

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