Friday, April 1, 2011

Thank you my spinal fusioned friends!!.

I have been getting so many encouraging emails from people stumbling across this blog who have had the operation. I cannot tell you how brilliant it is to read ‘its the best decision I have ever made’ which I have now read quite a few times.

I really do appreciate everyone giving me tips and telling me about their experiences. Obviously it will be painful but as it is often described ‘manageable’ (although if I experience any pain I often make a right song and dance about it, so we will see on that one!!!).

If any of you can think of things I should take to the hospital with me that might make mine or my families stay more comfortable please let me know, and I am going to try and put a list together (who would have thought I would ever get organized about anything!!).

I am currently looking online for a little table that can go over my bed for when I get home, and a tempur mattress and pillow as these seem to be popular amongst recovering spinal fusioneers.

Anyway, please keep sending me your lovely emails, I don’t think I can ever read too many blogs or too many success stories. And I really really hope one day this blog might help someone else!.


  1. Hi Chrissy,

    I'm 20 and have a severe scoliosis due to my neuromuscular condition. Mine is inoperable due to my condition (risks of anaesthesia is higher for people like me) but I know a lot of people who've had spinal fusion and are really happy with the result. Wishing you good luck for the op and the recovery, you'll be Straight Back Chrissy before you know it! :)



    I have a blog too that you might find interesting. :)
