Friday, April 15, 2011

Scoliosis Spinal X Ray - The before pictures!

I got a CD with my spinal x rays on it. So I thought I would share these with you so you can see what Mr Tucker is going to be dealing with. These are me ‘straight’ on.

I have SOOO much to do this weekend, I am starting to think that booking a holiday right before surgery was not the smartest move. Although I had booked the holiday first so it was actually booking the surgery after the holiday, either way NOT smart as I have SO much to do.

I am picking a chair up this weekend so that is one thing I can tick off and my car passed its MOT today (woohooo). Also I got a lovely gift in the post at work yesterday, it was a kindle! A complete surprise a actually really thoughtful as it will be so easy for me to read on holiday now! (no packing heavy books) although I think Tim actually got it for me so it is easier for me to read in hospital, either way I am so pleased with it I have downloaded my first book and I can NOT put it down!.

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