Monday, April 11, 2011

Scoliosis is not ugly

I have been reading on the forums that girls with Scoliosis tend to suffer really low self confidence. Its made me really sad to read a whole thread about people going on holiday and not even wanting to wear a bikini because they are so paranoid about their spines. My Scoliosis is pretty bad 2 x mid 60 degree curves and obviously I don’t love having it but I have tried my hardest not to let it bother me, mainly because no one notices it unless they have it themselves. I have been out shopping or on the beach and seen another girl with Scoliosis but is purely because I am looking at peoples spines constantly. I am sure I am abit spine obsessed!
Scoliosis is one of those things that people only seem to notice when you point it out to them. To be honest I have never really ever told people about my back problem and only two people have ever mentioned it to me and that was a boyfriend who was rubbing sun cream into my back, and a photographer who didn’t realize it was my back that was the problem they thought it was my leg!. Im sure someone else noticed as well but they never said anything.
I did modeling for 2 years and was constantly getting dressed and undressed in front of people who were all looking at me and my Scoliosis was never a problem.
Spinal Fusion is a massive operation to undertake and I would never get it done for vanity purposes (and that’s saying a lot as I am the vainest personJ). I like the way I look even now and if my spine was stable I would not even consider this surgery. The fact is that my spine is getting worse and I will be in a lot more pain and that is my reason for surgery. Obviously I don’t want to be all curled up when I am older too.

In this picture you can notice my back is not as flat as it should be, but would the untrained eye?

In these pictures you can see my hip sticks out more than the other, but would anyone ever notice?

But this is my fav body shot as I don’t think you can tell at all J trick photography!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I liked reading your post. And you look great with your in pics even though u have scoliosis. But scoliosis doesn't look the same for everyone, and I wish my scoliosis was more subtle like yours, my rib cages protrudes out more so it's more noticeable because I have more rotation than you. I hope you are recovering well from surgery!
