Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

Evening everyone! I had a really nice weekend of MOVEMENT!.
Tim came round on Saturday and we sheepishly made our way to the skanky pub round the corner from my dads house (it never used to be so run down, was shocking!) after discovering they did serve food anymore we settled down to enjoy our J2Os.

After managing to sit for 30mins and feeling fine we then ventured to Waitrose just next door to pick up a nice lunch of French stick, boursin and tomatoes yummmmm.

Again no real pain but when we got back I was ready to lay down.
After about an hour rest I then took Alan for a 20min walk, I was so happy to feel normal, also I was excited that I used some energy and may be able to sleep easily.
Sunday was good too, I woke up with a tummy ache (which I seem to most mornings at the moment), but Tim came over and we had a little drive out for lunch taking my trusty pillow again! The seat was maybe slightly too upright or something but it really hurt, we were there for about 30mins and it was very uncomfortable and I just wanted to get back to bed. But I was still happy I was out and going in the car and not feeling like a prisoner.

After a long rest I decided I wanted Nandos and a mcflurry, so a car ride later I was stuffing my face!
So my friends that is my recovery, if I had a chauffeur I would be laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, glad to see you smileing and doing good!
    Keep the updates coming... Pic of scar did not post?
    Take good care!

    California, USA
    Daughter having surgery this summer....
