Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Open MRI Hamburger

I did it!!!!! So I managed to make it through the Open MRI. This may sounds like a walk in the park to some of you but for me being completely claustrophobic and having had the WORST experience when I last time tried to go through a closed MRI or as I like to call it The White Tunnel Of Death.
So anyway this thing was like a massive plastic hamburger and I was the filling, when I looked at it I really didn’t think that just the fact you could see out of the sides would make a difference, because I just hate the fact that there is something so close to your face and you cant sit up, if that makes sense.
Anyway the woman was lovely and talked me through everything for the first 45mins even though I was right under she let me have my head to the side so I guess it kind of helped that I sound see out and then by the time it got to the point where she strapped my head in and I had to look up I must have been quite relaxed because although I didn’t enjoy it and when I think about it now I tense up, I managed to do it!.
Yes I did think I may hypo ventilate but I concentrated on my breathing and I was so pleased with myself (as I was sure I was going to run from this place as fast as I could).
I have the CD in my sticky mitts and I will take this to see Mr Tucker on Monday with my dad and hopefully my boyfriend.
I wonder if I put the CD in my computer I will be able to see the images…. I might give it a whirl…..

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