Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dr's Appointment Results

Also my MRI results were normal which is brilliant, one less thing.

Mr Tucker seems so nice and has such a lovely sense of humour, he is very good at getting across the fact that it is a HUGE operation to undertake but also keeps it as light hearted as possible. He is also very honest about the complications that may arise and wasn’t shy is telling me how much pain I will be in (although I wish he had lied! Hahah).

He says that it shouldn’t really affect my mobility in anyway and I shouldn’t get any further complications throughout my life, in pregnancy etc (although having an epidural will need to be put in very low down, but its still possible which is good). Obviously in all major surgery there are risks but these seem minimal in comparison to what will happen if I don’t get it done.

He sounds like he does these operations ALL the time and I really am not a special case, I guess its like me processing a Travel Request form J just a very very complex one!.

So this morning I came in and told Lindsay (my boss/best friend) how it all went at the drs and she as always she makes me feel better and THEN I get a called from Sharon who is Mr Tucker’s secretary and she has scheduled me in for the surgery on 12th May ARGH. That is 3days after Thailand, which I initially thought would be good but actually, lets face it I am going to be sunning myself petrified of going home!! Hehehe oh well I just need to harden the fuck up - as another one of my dearest friends would say.

My next 2 obstacles are getting it signed off by BUPA and talking to Jo in HR and getting my time off approved. Which reminds me the dr did say that I should be ok to work from home after about 6 weeks, well he kind of hinted that I could probably work from home before that but I think it really does depend, he didn’t really seem to what to be held to anything. Either way I love my job and I know I will be so bored (and probably in agony, ARGH) that I will actually miss everyone and working. 3 months off for getting your back sliced and diced really will not be fun.

Lindsay (boss) is going to speak to Jo (HR) this afternoon and I am really nervous about this so we shall see what happens there….

Tonight in honour of pancake day I am going to make my Timmykins a nice pancake with my posh frying pan and forget all about my curly wurlyness.

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