Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to my Scoliosis World!

My name is Chrissy I am 28yrs old and the reason I have decided to write this blog is because I have very recently decided to have Spinal Surgery to try and treat my Scoliosis.

I was diagnosed with Scoliosis when I was about 12 or 13years old at school during a routine test. No one had ever noticed it before and it didn’t bother me as I didn’t notice any symptoms. I used to go for check ups and xrays every 6 months or so and I really don’t remember paying too much attention to it all. To be honest I was more bothered about going through puberty and taking my top off in front of doctors, in fact the more I think about it the more I remember how incredibly uncomfortable that used to make me (it really didn’t matter that my dad used to say “don’t worry Chris, they just see you as a machine”). When I got to maybe 16 I noticed that my right hip stuck out more than me left one and I kinda just stopped bothering to go to the drs.

As I have gotten old the back pain has slowly increased, I have recently been trying the Theraflex therapy for the pain and hoping it would help to straighten me out but unfortunately as pain increased I decided to go back and visit a specialist. Luckily I have private medical cover so I googled away and after reading some wonderful reviews I decided to visit Stewart Tucker at The Wellington Hospital in London.

At my appointment Mr Tucker took a look at my spine and did a brief exam he also looked at the xrays I had done 18months previously and requested I got some done that day which he then compared. Unfortunately it wasn’t the best news as the curves (2 x 60degrees, my spine is a big S) have got slightly bigger and in his expert opinion they will continue to do so at a rate of about 1 – 2degree’s per year which in 10 years time would be an even bigger problem than it is now.

So Mr Tucker thinks surgery will be a good idea, he said if I leave it 10yrs and then decide to have surgery (which I guess I probably would as the pain will probably get worse along with the curve) the operation will be an even bigger job.

Next step is to get an open MRI (along with being all twisted in the spine, I also have a little bit of claustrophobia, which I found out about when I tried to have a horrible closed in MRI) and then have an appointment with Mr Tucker and my parents and partner to discuss the operation and any questions.


I have been reading blogs on the internet and this surgery doesn’t seem like fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. I too have scoliosis. I'm 17 and I was diagnosed when I was 15. My doctor told me my curves wouldn't get worse and unfortunately they did and I will be having surgery in as little as 2 to 3 months. Your blog has been very uplifting and positive! You have definitely made an impact on me and how I will look at surgery this summer! Thank you for sharing your story!!

    My blog is
