Thursday, February 17, 2011

Someone else was in the same boat

So turns out that my best friends brother had a very similar surgery last year and I have been in contact over facebook about what to expect. He is only about 17ish and he seems really upbeat about the whole thing which has made me feel pretty positive.
To be honest all I can seem to think about at the moment is this operation and I really think I just want to get it out of the way as soon as I can. When I got my tattoo the worst part was sitting in the waiting room waiting to get it done, that was worse than the tattoo pain itself, and I feel even though the waiting and being scared is probably no where near the amount of pain I will experience after this operation but it could be unnecessary as if I had the op this afternoon then I would miss out most of the scaredness first.

Anyway I am rambling.. still awaiting my MRI appointment and then I should get a better idea of when this bloody thing is gonna take place.

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