Monday, July 4, 2011

I Feel Normal

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to let you all know that today i realised i feel pretty normal, i have an achey neck/shoulder but thats it!
I think i have felt this way for a good week maybe 2 weeks but its only really just hit me.
I am going to start going back to work next week but the mean time i am doing all my work from home and really enjoying it.
I am so happy i had this operation, so far it has gone better than i could have expected.
My life is just going so well at the moment as the operation is out of the way i feel i have not a care in the world. My boyfriend has decided to move in with me in Woking and so i am so  pleased to have him around all the time and i have moved back into my own little house now too.
I hope my 3 month check up with Mr Tucker goes well now...
Thank you all again for your support getting emails from strangers who really care is so nice and uplifting, especially when my spirits were low.
thanks again.


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