Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thin as a rake!

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't written for so long but there really hasn't been much going on AT ALL.
I spend most days in bed watching daytime TV, I get up for a couple of walks, to go to the loo etc.. But except for that I don't really do anything.
As you know I am off my hard drugs and feel abit of discomfort in the night but I'm tough as old boots so I just deal with it now and I find laying on my sides and switching up positions really helps.
The area around my scar and pretty much all my back is still completely numb to the point that I lost my mobile and didn't realise I was laying on it for ages, it's soo weird.
Thanks again for all your lovely comments and emails, it really perked me up and helped me out of my slump, I really do hope I have helped other people facing surgery have an idea of what to expect. I am the biggest baby EVER and if I can do it anyone can!.
I can't wait to get back to normal and really start to enjoy life, and sadly I can't wait to get back to work.
9 days until my appointment with Mr Tucker, I'm abit nervous I hope he says everything is healing ok!. Oh I do love that talented chap.

Oh also I forgot to mention I have lost a stone since surgery!, I now weigh under 7 stone. My dad is freaking out and obviously I am upset as I am as thin as a rake anyway and I like my little 8stone body. Dad is on and on about eating and the pressure and worry just puts me right off eating. I'm gonna try not to worry about it as it will make it worse and I know as soon as I can cook, shop and drive I will b straight to get pizzas, and oreo milkshakes in their thousands. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm whenever I'm stressed or upset the first thing to go on me is weigh, it will all come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Don't get scared! I lost sooo much weight after the op. I think it's a combination of the morphine, stress, pain and everything that makes it drop off you. I didn't eat for like a week or 2 and mum got worried and tried to force feed me (wihch put me off lamb and apricot stew forever because I was sick!!)

    You're looking amazing, well done for going through with it and welcome to the new chapter of your life which is brighter and pain free!! xxx
