Friday, June 3, 2011

Brace Relief!

So as you all know I have not been getting on well with my brace at all!. It just really hurts and I actually can't breathe properly in it, which initially I put down to my panicking problems but the longer it's gone on the more I really don't think that's the problem at all.
Anyway yesterday I wore it out and it was just agony, I was almost in tears during the entire 10min walk, so I called Mr Tuckers secretary Sharon and she said she would speak to the nurse who said she would email Mr T, he replied this morning and said I would be ok wearing just my corset. I'm so happy, it's a massive weight off my mind, but me being me I will still worry anyway about EVERYTHING!.
I'm still yet to do a walk in just the corset but as it's so hot outside I will wait until later anyway.
I'm so bored and quite lonely BUT I'm starting to see progress and I'm optimistic I won't be out of action for long at all!
Thank you again for your emails!!!!, anyone else wanting to get in touch and help break up my boredom or anyone facing surgery with questions, comments please email me on


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