Monday, May 23, 2011

I am back walking


Chrissy back again! This will probably be short and sweet as I am writing from an iPad and it's not easy!.
So I went home on 8days post surgery and the drive was fine, I was worried about the pain as usual but it really wasn't bad!, this surgery can actually be very suprising when you constantly think the worst.
I have been getting on ok since being home just always uncomfortable. You get used to having an electric bed at hospital and having metal bed sides and you start to rely on them and so when you get home you start again. I am very up and down at the moment, yesterday I felt pretty useless but today I don't!!!!! I just managed a 20min walk! I am so so so so pleased because I have been finding my brace so hard to get used to, don't get me wrong I'm still not there but I'm getting there and that's what counts and what will keep my spirits up! Woo!.
I really want to write an indepth entry on my hospital stay and I will soon as soon as I get a keyboard, but I do want to say for anyone heading towards surgery and is worried about pain, I am the biggest wimp ever ever ever and the pain was not the worst part, they really can control it, you will worry anyway but you will be very surprised.
Tomorrow I hope to manage another hurdle, would be nice if I can have a meal sat up as I can't right now and it's so hard to eat and drink laying down.

1 comment:

  1. Crissy,
    Love your blog. My daughter is having same surgery this summer. I've been doing a lot of research and reading about others experiences.
    I must say you have an excellent and very positive attitude and find your story inspiring.
    Keep up the great work!
    Wishing you a speedy and blessed recovery !
