Monday, March 14, 2011

Money Money Money!!!

Good Afternoon! So it turns out that BUPA will no pay for all my surgery fee’s as Mr Tucker doesn’t charge within ‘their’ guidelines. So there will be a shortfall to pay of about £1,500 and that isn’t including the out patients fee’s which will need to be paid by me when I am discharged as I have used up all my £1000 outpatients allowance on appointments and xrays.
Bupa’s recommendation was to find a different Surgeon. Are they crazy!! The whole reason to go private is to get the best possible Surgeon and not have to wait around. To be honest having my back operated on is biggest deal in my entire life and I have decided that the only man for the job is Mr Tucker.
Anyway I will discuss it with my dad and see if I can borrow the money from him. To be honest with you its not like I am going to be doing much for a good few months so it might be easy to save!, unless I go mad with bordem and get addicted to online gambling. If that happens I am in trouble as I have no self control with those kind of things. When I went to Vegas I was playing slot machines right up until it was time to board the plane (who has slot machines in an airport?!!! VEGAS BABY!!).
I am gonna try and ring Bupa and see if there is any room for maneuvering.

1 comment:

  1. My surgeon works privately and he is fantastic! google nick boeree. Xxx
